When you decide to book a photoshoot combined with or without me doing your make-up and hair styling, you can contact me. I will ask you to send me a picture of yourself. Together we will discuss your preferred look for the portrait and we will plan our appointment. Before our appointment I will sent you an invoice for the photoshoot including one digital photo file. It needs to be paid before our appointment. 

The portraits i take are from the head shots that includes part of the upper body, coverportrait style. 

Within a week week after we have had our photo session I will send you an email link to a photo gallery. In this gallery you can view the best portraits I made during your session and you can choose which one or which ones you like to purchase. Any extra portrait adds 10 euro per portrait. When you have decided to purchase extra portraits I will sent you the photo files after i received your payment. I will sent you the photo files digitally by WeTransfer in high resolution quality and also in lower resolution quality (these are usable for the social media). I don't sent prints. 


I work from home in Utrecht. The days and time I work are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00, 10:30 or 11:00 o'clock. If you want me to create curls in your hair we will need some extra time and therefore we will start at 10 o'clock. We will take our time and the total duration will varie from one hour and a half hour to two hours and a half hour. When you have no need for me to apply your make-up, but ask for photography only, we can be ready in as quick as half an hour. 


A Portrait                                                                                      75,-  (includes one photo)

A Portrait, including make-up and light hairstyling       135,-  (includes one photo)

Curling (not included in light hairstyling)                            15,-

Additional photo file                                                                  10,-